Saturday, November 1, 2014


"Not conforming to rules, traditions or modes of conduct, as of a doctrine, religion or philosophy."-

     I was told my views of the Bible were bordering on the unorthodox.  I was floored.  I simply had a question; an honest question and I was told that while it was OK to question  I should be careful because I might confuse others.  

     It got me to thinking; I'm always thinking. Sometimes I can't shut it off.  Jesus was unorthodox. Now, I'm certainly not comparing myself to Jesus but, we are are called to live like he did and he was unorthodox; so much so that it cost him his life.

     Faith is simple. Religion, Christianity, Westernized Christianity is difficult. They tell you that it's simple; that it's about following Jesus and I certainly agree with that but the moment you do it in a way that is different, well, then you are labeled.  The moment you question the Bible and it's interpretations you are unorthodox because everyone is supposed to believe the Bible is inerrant and infallible, never mind that the Bible doesn't even say that of itself and forget the fact that none of the gospel writers even agree on the "facts" of pivotal stories such as Christmas or Easter but we are supposed to believe they are true and without error.  

     I'm not interested in the "facts" or the details. I don't care if there was a real virgin who got pregnant and gave birth to a boy that became the Messiah. I don't care if he really had a physical resurrection that was actually witnessed. Those stories don't matter to me as much as the truth that Jesus was a man who had such an extraordinary impact that we still talk about him today and strive to live a life like his.  God was so present in his life that it emanated and changed peoples' lives; that to me is a better story than arguing over whether or not something actually happened.   

But then again, I'm unorthodox....

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